Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Fear Zone to Learning Zone

Can you explain how we changed our comments from Fear Zone to the Learning Zone?

Resilience task

Can you explain to your family what we needed to do here?  You could challenge them to make it

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Learning to Learn words- spellingcity

We use spelling city to help us be able to use words - If we know the words we can:

  • say them
  • spell them
  • explain what they mean
  • change them slightly to fit into a sentence
Select a list to use and let Spelling city test, teach and challenge you

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Tuesday, 16 February 2016


What was the challenge?
How did we challenge ourselves as a team
How did this team work together?
This team worked together to create an image of teamwork with only a few basic resources.

What was your favourite teamwork activity?  Why?

Leave us a comment PLEASE!

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Welcome to Week 3

Hi friends- Kia ora Tatou

We hope you have all enjoyed a great weekend.

Week 3 brings a few familiar activities.  We are due to visit the Hutt LIbrary again on Tuesday so we are very hopeful that someone will be able to walk with us. Please let me know if you are able to join us.  We leave school at 11am and return by 12:30.

There will be a home learning sheet coming home on Tuesday as many are at the cricket tomorrow.  We are establishing a basic facts programme that will give the children great skills and the ability to progress at a rate that suits their learning. More information about this soon.  

The kids really enjoyed meeting the characters behind the "Learning Powers" and we will look further into these this week. 

A Seesaw notice was sent home on Friday and I followed it up with an email on Saturday which has an easy link to access and log in.  The is a learning journal that enables you to see, like and comment on your child's learning.  If you are wanting some more information or having difficulty logging in please contact me.  

Please check in with us on the blog  and sign up if you would like a notification when a new post has been added. 

Some really enjoyed the water option on Friday at Team Time.  As a group we decide on what choices there will be but if the weather plays the game then there will definitely be a wet option this week. 

Have a great week.

Searching in Plain english

What's your answer

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Water Team Time

If you are in team time on Friday and you have a change of clothes or togs you can join in the water fun!  

Monday, 8 February 2016

Home Learning Week 2

Where do you learn when you're not at school?

Home Learning
Learning to Learn Focus
wk 2 ™ 1Thumbs up smiley

Learning happens everywhere!  We learn to be responsible by feeding the pets, we learn to be creative when designing a new plan
               We learn to:Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 9.49.48 am.png
Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 9.44.45 am.png
Your challenge this week is to find where your learning happens in a normal week outside of the school day.

Create a map or plan of your week showing the different times, places and ways that you learn. Show where learning happens on each day of the week
You might like to:
make a poster,
create a video,
design a digital image,
sketch your learning
We will share our plans on FridayThumbs up smiley

Tuesday Week 2

Tell the story for each slide.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Day #4 in Team Toru

Can you explain what we were learning at the time in each of the pictures?  Can you explain the different spaces and places we were learning in?

Monday, 1 February 2016

Day #2

Fun ways to Learn

Today we thought about lots of ways that we love to learn.  We then decided what our favourite way to learn is. We made it into a wordle to see what was the most popular.

This may help us decide on a way that best suits the task and the learning we are doing. A good range of activities is great to keep us learning in a fun way.