Saturday, 27 August 2016

Weekly Panui -wiki e ono (6)

Morena Tātou.

It's a lovely sunny morning and let's hope that continues for the week. 

Congrats to Maya and Corey  for presenting a great assembly on Friday. They had a tough script with many maori numbers in it. (19 actually). They were calm and collected and supported each other beautifully!  Ka mau te wehi

Thanks also to our calm techy, Katherine. It's a nerve wracking job pushing buttons at the right time for all to enjoy, lots of extra work last week with the eco warrior presentation (which is on our blog). Tino Pai! Katherine has been  well taught by Charlotte and Katherine will now pass on the knoweldge to the next techy in training. 

What an amazing trip we had to Pataka last week.  It was a great kick off to our unit around change, linking to the School Jubilee next term. An huge bonus was the link made to the TS crews Art.  This is the basis for our Calendar Art which we will be starting this week.  Please check out seesaw for the updates from the trip. 

 Week 6 (wiki e ono)
Monday and Friday are busy days for our choir ( art splash ) and Dance splash people.  Monday is art splash and Friday is Dance Splash.  See the office for tickets. 

Our prototypes are done for the second Dragon's den.  We are just refining our presentations.  It's exciting stuff!  

As I mentioned, we will be getting into the creation of our Calendar Art based on the TS crew art that we saw at Pataka. 

We will be reviewing our goals that we set at our Parent teacher meetings last term, watch out on seesaw for the reflections and next steps. 

A ani i te wiki nui- Have a great week. 

Eco Warriors at the Kids Connect Hui

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Visit our School Library Blog

Look out for extra special action this week because it is 
Library Week