Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Poor Little Dill.....

Poor Dill,he was lost!  What are the chances that we get a full box of 24 seedlings and no dill?

What is dill?

What characteristics would dill have?

 Write a letter from the point of view of the other Little Garden plants that describes how dill got lost in the first place (be inspired by narrative voice in the movie Toy Story).


Some Dill Quotes

A room without dill is like a body without a soul - Cicero
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single dill - Chinese Proverb
You must dill the thing you think you cannot dill - Eleanor Roosevelt
Be the dill you wish to see in the world  - Ghandi

Can you write your own quotes

What about a pun or two???

Monday, 19 September 2016

Little Gardens at School

Team Rua and Toru are connected learners
We are linking with another class in the south Island to see what they are doing with their #littlegarden

Can you find out more about them?

We need to share some tips about how to get our #littlegarden producing.  What do you think? Click on the New World link below. 

Let's find out more!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Develop your Geometry knowledge here!

Work together to work through the stages below
click on the image

*What do we already know
*What is it we want to know
*How can we find out
*What will we discover


*Problem solving
*Crafting and refining what we are asking

*Mapping a process to record the big question
*Creativity and diversity and student voice ownership are nurtured

The opportunity to celebrate and say…
* I can talk about my learning
*I can make a difference to someone or something else as a result of my learning

Monday, 12 September 2016

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

A trip to Aglionby House

Aglionby House Visit
Yesterday the School Councillors and Eco Warriors were lucky enough to visit Aglionby House which is the building on Aglionby street where Armstrong Downes Commercial are located.  Tony Doile was very generous with his time to show them around this modern building with so many environmentally friendly features.  We also looked at a modern working environment and how it compares to a modern learning spaces.  A HUGE Thanks to Tony and Eve at Armstrong Downes for welcoming us, answering so many of our questions and encouraging us to think about why we do things and how it affects our environment.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Wiki e whitu!

Kia ora Tātou

Welcome to wiki e whitu!

We hope you enjoying the updates on the goals this week.  The students have been working hard and honest in their reflections.  Goal setting is a challenging business and setting a plan that allows progress to be seen takes time and effort.  Please add a comment on seesaw when you can.

Some have completed their calendar art, inspired by the TS crew exhibition at Pataka. Check out seesaw for an image of your child's art. Finishing off  will happen early this week especially for those involved in the Dance Splash and Southern Zone Basketball.

On Wednesday afternoon the Councillors and all Eco Warriors are visiting Aglionby House.  Please ensure your permission slips are returned to the office. 

Thursday afternoon is the Paid Union Meeting for all teachers. Below is the blurb that went home in last weeks newsletter incase you missed it.

The NZEI and PPTA unions are holding a Paid Union Meeting from 1:30pm on Thursday 8 September 2016. It is important that as many school staff can attend as possible and so we encourage you to pick up your child from 12.30pm on that day. Please send the return slip attached to this Newsletter to school. If an adult does not come to school on Thursday 8 September to pick up your child we will look after them until 3:00pm. If you would like your child to make their own way home, please let the classroom teacher know in writing.

On Friday we created and sent home invitations  to the Grand Parents/ Caregivers Day which is on Friday 16th September, from 11-12:30.  Please check with your child if you didn't receive one or need another. We appreciate that many Grandparents and Caregivers may not be able to attend however I'm sure that those  that can come will happily share themselves with groups of children and engage in discussions with them about what it was like when they were at school. 

Over the next few weeks we will be asking the children to source information about what things were like many years ago.  This many be a great opportunity to visit, phone, skype or write to a Grandparent or someone who can help in that way. Any help you can give will be much appreciated.

Just a reminder for any outstanding chocolate money to come in please and this Friday will be Onsie day to support the Wellington Free Ambulance.

Have a great week - Whai i te wiki nui